Performance Test
Sun Microsystems (SUNW)

Tested Period (out-of-sample): from 07/01/96 to 04/17/98
Number of Days Tested: 454

The shown results are compared with a Buy & Hold strategy.

1. Traditionally Computed MACD Indicator

1.1 Graph

Profit MACD


1.2 Statistics

Controlled Equity Curve at 04/17/98 [$]


Gross Profit vs. Buy & Hold [$]


Number of Trades


Winning Trades [%]


Average Profit [$]


Average Loss [$]


Average Profit per Trade [$]



2. Five-Day Predicted MACD Indicator Using KnowledgeMiner's Analog Complexing Method

These results were obtained implementing the following daily procedure:

(Blue colored steps are user-driven. Red colored tasks are completely solved by KnowledgeMiner using a special simulation module inside KM).

I. Data Base
i. Updating the data base with the equity's actual close price and share volume
II. Modeling/Prediction using KnowledgeMiner's Analog Complexing Method
i. Searching for several most similar market patterns on the updated data base
ii. Generating several 5-day out-of-sample predictions and combining them to a most likely prediction
Prediction Errors
III. Applying Predictions to the MACD Indicator as a Decision Model
i. Calculating the indicator on historical and predicted price data
ii. Generating a signal on the predicted indicator
IV. Decision
i. Trading if a buy/sell signal was suggested using the next day's close price

2.1 Graph

Profit Predicted MACD


2.2 Statistics

Controlled Equity Curve at 04/17/98 [$]


Gross Profit vs. Buy & Hold [$]


Number of Trades


Winning Trades [%]


Average Profit [$]


Average Loss [$]


Average Profit per Trade [$]


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